We supply flash frozen Wheatgrass Cubes:
For over 60 years, wheatgrass has been known in the natural health food industry as the greatest and most effective means of cleansing, regenerating and energizing the human body. The health benefits that our clients experience from wheatgrass juice and living foods is why we are so passionate about what we do.
Our 100% organic wheatgrass is grown for 7 to 10 days until it reaches its nutritional peak at 6 to 8 inches tall. We harvest at a crucial period during the growth cycle to ensure the maximum concentration of antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and therapeutic power. The wheatgrass is then immediately juiced and placed in a food grade container with a solid lid to minimize oxidation during freezing. In contrast, other commercial frozen wheatgrass is juiced days after it is harvested, frozen hours later and sold weeks, months and even years after being produced, claiming a 1-3 year expiry date. At MarkitoNutrition we provide you with your supply of wheatgrass the very same day it has been cut and juiced, and you pick up your new tray on a weekly basis*. We are able to do this because of our commitment to supply the highest level of quality and service to our clientele.
Taking wheatgrass juice: We offer you the most practical and convenient method of enjoying daily wheatgrass shots to restore and improve your health. Each tray provides an entire week’s supply of frozen wheatgrass juice (8 ounces) divided into 14 cubes. To benefit from the powerful, anti-aging, disease fighting, health boosting properties of wheatgrass, simply add two cubes to your water daily, on an empty stomach.
For more information and to be added to our weekly wheatgrass rotation, please view our How to Order page.
Food Is Medicine
Wheatgrass juice contains impressive antioxidant properties, higher than that of any other vegetable or extract. As an example, wheatgrass is the top food source of superoxide dismutase. SOD is an “anti-aging enzyme” that scientists understand to be our body’s primary defence against free radical damage. In fact, SOD is such an important factor for preventing a wide range of degenerative diseases that scientists, funded by pharmaceutical companies, are hard at work developing supplements by extracting SOD and its precursor molecules from wheat sprouts. Predictably, nothing created in a lab has shown to be as effective as 100% pure wheatgrass juice with all of its nutritional co-factors intact, proving once again that food is our best medicine.
Another well studied component of wheatgrass juice is the natural plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA). Researchers at Virginia Tech have confirmed that abscisic acid helps fight inflammation and can be used for the treatment of disease. Abscisic acid (ABA) has been shown to be a viable weapon against metabolic syndrome and diabetes, as well as inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. A 2011 article published in Biochemical Pharmacology summarized the research on this plant hormone by stating that “ABA is an endogenous immune regulator in animals and has potential medicinal applications for several human diseases.” Scientists are hoping to develop new classes of drugs based on these findings. However, thanks to nature, we already have these drugs available to us today via a proper plant based diet, and the juice of young shoots of grass.
“Until man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge.” ~ Thomas Edison
Brian Clement, Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute, writes about
The 18 Wonders of Wheatgrass:
- is one of the richest sources of vitamins A and C;
- contains a full, balanced spectrum of readily assimilated B vitamins, including laetrile (B17), which has been credited with selectively destroying certain cancer cells without affecting normal cells;
- contains high quality calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, sodium, and potassium in a balanced ratio;
- provides organic iron to the blood, which improves our circulation;
- contains 92 of the 102 trace minerals recognized as available in plants;
- is the most effective form of chlorophyll therapy;
- assists in reducing blood pressure;
- is similar to the chemical molecular structure of human red blood cells, thereby enhancing the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen to every cell of the body;
- assists in eliminating drug deposits from the body;
- purifies the liver;
- helps wounds to heal faster
- counteracts metabolic toxins in the body;
- combats blood sugar problems;
- has been credited with halting both hair loss and hair greying;
- aids in relieving constipation;
- increases resistance to radiation and eliminates the symptoms of radiation poisoning;
- acts as a disinfectant by killing bacteria in the blood, lymph, and tissues; and
- is considered a complete food because it contains all of the necessary amino acids for the human body.
Studies demonstrating the healing powers of wheatgrass juice:
Antioxidation: Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of wheat grass (Triticum aestivum L.). S.D. Kulkami, et al. Phytotherapy Research, March 2006; 20(3): 218-27. Key Finding: The ORAC value (capacity to absorb free radicals) of wheatgrass was found to be higher than those reported for many natural extracts or vegetables. Wheatgrass also significantly reduced fat cells in rat liver mitochondria.
Inflammatory conditions: Wheat grass juice in the treatment of active distal ulcerative colitis: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Ben-Ayre E, Goldin E, Wengrower D, Stamper A,Kohn R, Berry E. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2002 Apri;37(4):444-9. Key Finding: “Treatment with wheatgrass was associated with significant reductions in the overall disease activity index and in the severity of rectal bleeding. Wheatgrass juice appeared effective and safe as a single or adjuvant treatment of active distal ulcerative colitis.”
Anemia: Wheat Grass Juice Reduces Transfusion Requirement in Patients with Thalassemia Major: A Pilot Study. Marwaha RK, Bansal D, Kaur S, Trehan A. Ind Pediatrics. 2004 July 17;41:716-720. Key Finding: “Blood transfusion requirements fell by 25% or more in 50% of patients with a decrease of 40% or more in three patients…We conclude that wheat grass juice has the potential to lower transfusion requirements in thalassemics”.
Anemia: Antioxidant Activity of Wheat Grass and Impact of Supplementing Grass Extract on Anaemics. Jaya, M. S., Gayathri, S. Biomed. 2009 Vol. 4 No. 3 pp. 262-268. Key Finding: The mean scavenging activity was higher for wheat grass in comparison with other conventional green leafy vegetables. The study also investigated the effectiveness of wheat grass juice on the activity of certain antioxidant vitamins and enzymes. Supplementing wheat grass juice (200 ml/day) to anaemics showed a significant increase (p<0.01) on serum indices of certain constituents. Over all it would seem that the protective effect of wheat grass can be attributed to antioxidant constituents, including vitamin C, Polyphenols, Chlorophyll…
Cancer: Administering wheatgrass juice in supportive care of terminally ill cancer patients. Basak J, Bhattacharjee C, Dey S, Adhikari S, Mukhopadhyay A. Annals of Oncology. 2008 July:19(Suppl 5). Key Finding: “Wheatgrass juice was used for anemic patients to increase hemoglobin levels. We concluded that wheatgrass is an effective alternative to blood transfusion. Its use in terminally ill cancer patients should be encouraged.”
Cancer: Wheat Grass Juice may Improve Hematological toxicity Related to Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients: A Pilot Study. Bar-Sela, G, M. Tsalic, G. Fried and H. Goldberg. Nutrition & Cancer. 2007 581:43-48. Key Finding: The thirty women in the study who drank 2 ounces of wheat grass juice daily during the course of their chemo treatments had one third the amount of marrow related toxicity when compared to the other 30 women. This resulted in this group being three times more likely to complete their full chemo regime without dose reduction or early cessation, or without the use of expensive GCSF (granulocyte colony stimulation factor) medications which themselves have significant side effects and very high costs. There was no reduction in the effectiveness of the chemotherapy on the suppression of the cancer, when compared to the control group”
Cancer: Bovine cartilage, coenzyme Q10, and wheat grass therapy for primary peritoneal cancer. Forgionne GA. J Altern Complement Med. 2005 Feb;11(1):161-5. Key Finding: A case report published in medical literature concerns an 89 year old woman who was diagnosed with peritoneal cancer, a form of cancer which is rapidly fatal. The patient refused chemotherapy and opted instead for nutritional therapy that included wheat grass. The result was a complete remission of her cancer four years after treatment.
Chronic disease: A pilot study on wheat grass juice for its phytochemical, nutritional and therapeutic potential on chronic diseases. Chauhan, M. IJCS 2014; 2(4): 27-34. Key Finding: Widespread data from a number of studies has made known the multitude effects of Wheatgrass is known to help diminish fatigue, improve sleep, increase strength, naturally regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, support weight loss, improve digestion and elimination, support healthy skin, teeth, eyes, muscles and joints, improve the function of our heart-lungs and reproductive organs, heal ulcers and skin sores, slow cellular aging, improve mental function, and is beneficial in arthritis and muscle cramping, thalassemia, hemo-lytic anemia, cancer, asthma, allergy, inflammatory bowel disease and detoxification. Thus, it should be made part of daily dietary intake in order to explore its utmost benefits.
A study on wheat grass and its Nutritional Value. Mujoriya R. Food Science & Quality Management. ISSN 2224-6088. Vol 2, 2011. Key Findings: Wheat grass is a humble weed that is a powerhouse of nutrients and vitamins for the human body – Wheatgrass juice will provide you with more energy by fulfilling nutritional deficiencies and by removing wastes that clog your cells, blood, tissues and organs – Wheat grass juice has chlorophyll that neutralizes infections, heals wounds, overcomes inflammations and gets rid of parasitic infections – The three most important effects of wheat grass on the human body are: blood purification, liver detoxification and colon cleansing – Wheat grass juice contains all the nutrients the body requires and is considered a complete food – Wheat grass therapy is recommended for patients suffering from chronic diseases like Asthma, Atherosclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Joint pains, TB, Constipation, Hypertension, Diabetes, Bronchitis, Insomnia, Eczema, Sterility, Hemorrhage, Obesity and Flatulence. It is also useful in the treatment of cancer – Regular intake of wheat grass juice works wonders especially in cases of anaemia that do not respond well to other treatments.
*There are many anecdotal accounts of women that defeated breast cancer while on wheat grass juice. One such example is Eydie Mae Hunsberger who recovered from what appeared to be fatal breast cancer. In her book, How I Conquered Cancer Naturally, she attributes her recovery and remission to wheat grass juice and a living foods diet.
Video: Why Do We All Need to Drink Wheatgrass Juice?
“At fifty years of age my hair was grey, I had a terrible case of colitis and other colon problems, I suffered from low energy and had no clear direction in life. Out of desperation I turned to nature for relief. …In Wheatgrass, raw foods and exercise, I found what I feel is as close to the fountain of youth as we are going to get. Twenty-five years after my discovery, my hair was turned fully natural brown again. My weight has been a stable 119 and my energy level is limitless”. Dr. Ann Wigmore
“There seems to be no reason why grasses, suitably prepared, should not be consumed by man with great benefit from the standpoint of general health and especially the prevention of degenerative disease”. Dr. Charles F. Schnabel, Agricultural Chemist
Wheatgrass is the first stage of the same plant that eventually grows into the grain we use in bread and baked goods. Since it is a vegetable and not a grain, it doesn’t contain gluten. This means it is a safe food, even for those with wheat allergies.
*Please note, in order to keep it as fresh as possible, we only offer our wheatgrass juice to our local Montreal clients.
To learn how to order please click here.