Vegan For The People

My area of expertise is helping people achieve their greatest health potential, and not on animal rights or environmental concerns. However, it is immensely hard to ignore how the same choices that improve our personal health are also compatible with improving the world around us.

Vegan For the People: Human Rights In A Compassionate World, founded by Anita Ahmadizadeh, is an academic-style journal that blurs the lines between animal and human rights, giving us the gift of knowledge that can help shape our better future. I am proud and privileged to have contributed to the first edition.






From Gentle Heart Publishing


Vegan For The People: Human Rights In A Compassionate World will launch in late 2018 and will focus on the intersection between human rights and veganism.


Founder Anita Ahmadizadeh will curate and co-ordinate academics, industry professionals, social scientists and traditional scientists to bring together a valuable resource highlighting the very important links between animal agriculture and human suffering. Drawing on her educational background in social science and desire for social change and justice, this will provide a resource to help and inspire a peaceful world for all living beings.


Vegan For The People is an academic-style journal that will specifically explore veganism as a human rights issue. Together we will highlight the urgency of large-scale plant-based living as a way to address human suffering.


Poverty, marginalization, worker exploitation, community violence, helpful charitable giving, community development projects, global food supply and climate change are some examples of topics that we will be examining to shine a light on why a vegan world is a better world for all.


We will include valuable scientific knowledge, expert opinions and provide a full set of academic references for each article.

First Edition now available on Amazon