In spring of 2020, during the height of the pandemic, I published an article showing clear evidence that exercise can greatly reduce our risk for COVID-19. Now we have even more evidence. A new study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, showed how patients with Covid-19 who were consistently inactive had a greater […]
“One size fits all” Covid-19 measures lead to more deaths in younger people
The goal of any approach for overcoming Covid-19 should be to minimize all harm and deaths. In our focus to defeat the virus, we seem to forget that a life destroyed due to one size fits all public health measures is just as important as a life lost due to Covid-19. More importantly, we should not have to sacrifice children and young adults in order to protect the elderly. Yet this is what we are doing. […]
No evidence that B.1.1.7 variant is more harmful to children
To be clear, there is yet to be any published data showing that the “new” B.1.1.7 variant is more harmful to children. If you’ve been given the impression otherwise, please note it down as simply another example of misrepresentation of evidence from so-called experts, and one more situation where journalists allow anecdotal evidence to rise above the scientific method. […]
The Misrepresentation of Science
This video clears up some confusion about the Covid-19 vaccines, and discusses three reasons why a large majority of people, including journalists, often misrepresent the science behind this virus. Watch now.
Immunosenescence – Part 2: How nutrition can reverse immune system aging, and help defeat Covid-19
In Part 1 I explained how exercise helps prevent immunosenescence, defined as the gradual decline of our immune system which leaves us more vulnerable to infections and even cancer. In Part 2 I will show how our diet is the single most important predictor of whether our immune system is strong enough to defeat the coronavirus, as well as prevent and reverse chronic disease. […]
Covid-19: Top Scientist Recommends A More Targeted Approach
Dr. John Ioannidis once proclaimed “Science is the best thing that has happened to human beings … but we can do it better.” As one of the most cited physician scientists in the world, Dr. Ioannidis is known to have advanced “metascience” which is the use of scientific methodology to study science itself. […]
Immunosenescence: Research Update For Covid-19
I was very honoured to receive a message today from Dr. Palmer who has published several research papers on ageing, immunology and cancer. His work represents an important paradigm shift in our understanding of age-related diseases. Dr. Palmer thanked me for citing his paper in my article on immunosenescence, and directed my attention to his […]
How To Beat Covid-19, And Why Nobody Talks About It
I read a heart breaking story about a 4 year old boy who lost both his parents to Covid-19. My daughter is the same age and just the thought of having her go through that pain makes it hard to breathe. I then learned that the boy’s parents were both morbidly obese, a known factor that […]
Moderna’s Vaccine Advertised To Be Nearly 95% Effective
Moderna’s first interim analysis of their phase 3 study showed a vaccine efficacy of approximately 95%. The study enrolled 30,000 participants aged 18 years and older, including some at high risk of severe Covid-19. Half of the participants were given the vaccine while the other half received a placebo […]
Headlines Misrepresent Vaccine Trial Results
Pfizer announced today that preliminary results from their phase 3 trial showed their vaccine to be approximately 90% effective. But how did they calculate a result of 90%? 44,538 participants received 2 injections of the vaccine or a placebo. 94 of those participants developed Covid-19 PLUS at least one symptom, and only 9 of those […]
Sweden’s Evidence-Based Strategy
Dr. Tegnell has used sound scientific evidence to support his strategy. He had the power to create a path forward for Sweden without playing politics- quite an advantage. It was never his intention to have to defend himself on a world stage, but the international media focused on vilifying Dr. Tegnell and constantly, either […]
Shady Accounting: Quebec Announces Dramatic Rise in “Recovered Cases”
It appears that making masks mandatory in Quebec is working, and the results are better than anyone could have expected. Is this really true? This past Friday the number of active cases in Quebec decreased by almost 24,000, bringing its total number down to just 1,566. But just how did Quebec manage this sudden and […]
Weak Evidence For Masks
One reason that we were originally advised to not wear a face mask is because every randomized controlled trial over the past 10 years has shown that they are not effective at preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses by droplets and aerosols. For example, the most recent review published in May 2020 concluded as follows: […]
Vaccine-Makers Get Richer, Top Execs Pocket Millions
Moderna, the pharmaceutical company leading the COVID-19 vaccine race, has achieved tremendous success. It received $483 million in tax dollars to fund the testing and development of the vaccine, its stock price skyrocketed, and its top executives cashed out millions of dollars worth in shares. Financial success aside, how’s the development of the vaccine going? […]
Immunosenescence: the reason older adults are more vulnerable to viruses, and how to prevent it – Part 1
Amid all the confusion surrounding Covid-19, what everybody does seem to understand, without a doubt, is that older people are most vulnerable. It’s a scary world once you hit 60. Novel viruses can breakout at any moment and you are, by default, part of the high risk demographic. And worse, from the constant dialogue presented by the media and health authorities, we are led to believe that this increased vulnerability is inevitable. But is this true? […]
Covid-19 Vaccines: Bypassing Safety Standards
It takes 10-20 years to develop a vaccine that the public has been told can be released in 18 months. Many scientists, including some who have created vaccines themselves, have said that this timeline would require skipping safety studies, and would utilize technology that has never been proven to work for humans. The risk of […]
COVID-19: There’s Light At The End Of The Tunnel
A new serology study gives us reason to be optimistic that life will return to normal shortly.
A sample of 3300 residents of Santa Clara, California, were evaluated for the presence of antibodies. The results showed that the number of people infected was 50-85 times more than what was previously estimated.1 This automatically means that the probability of dying if you are infected is also reduced by 50-85 times.. […]
COVID-19: Stand Up For Your Rights
Ask questions, demand answers, and seek to better understand the evidence behind the measures that are put in place. Politicians need your help to regain the power to make decisions based on the scientific evidence, and not on perceptions driven by irrational fear. Your voice matters. […]
COVID-19: Lack of Critical Thinking Is Our Biggest Threat
There is a dangerous, yet predictable, narrative spreading about COVID-19 that too many people are believing, even though the facts do not support it.
It goes something like this:
Extreme social distancing measures saved millions of people, and we must continue to police ourselves until a vaccine comes along- which is our only hope for returning back to a normal life. […]
Important Perspective on COVID-19
In this important interview, Professor Ioannidis from Stanford presents an unbiased and evidence-based assessment of where we currently stand with COVID-19. I strongly believe that the general public’s level of comprehension is vital for the future of our planet.
COVID-19: The Missing Evidence for Social Distancing
It’s been a very emotional time for everyone. It is hard to post anything on Covid-19 due to the sadness and anxiety we are all currently living every single day. I am, nonetheless, providing a perspective that is evidence based and intended to help us become better consumers of information- so that we do improve the conversation on how to accomplish the common goal we all share.
We’ve been told that social distancing is imperative to “flatten the curve”, we’ve all seen the diagrams and many of us have vowed to come together to make it work. But does it really work? […]
The Regular Flu: Don’t You Forget About Me
While our attention has been focused on the novel coronavirus, far more dangerous viruses for children and young adults have been spreading at an unprecedented rate: the regular flu strains.
This month the CDC reported that “hospitalization rates in children 0-4 years old and adults 18-49 years old are now the highest on record for these age groups, surpassing the rate reported during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic.”[…]
COVID-19: No Toilet Paper Required
Over a month ago I reported that the media’s coverage of the new coronavirus is often based on unreliable data, creating fear and panic instead of helping us to focus on solutions. I have been posting daily updates on our FaceBook page that present a more empowering message. […]
Coronavirus: No Panic Required
The media is doing a wonderful job of creating fear and anxiety about China’s coronavirus. However, lost in the coverage, are several important facts: Coronaviruses are not new. In fact, one of the viruses that causes the common cold is a coronavirus. Thousands of people are recovering every day from the Wuhan […]